The effectiveness of low quality ads Riqqle
It is said that mediocrity is born with the perfect embodiment of truisms. Therefore, if you have already tried all the traditional methods of search engine optimization, it might be time for something different.

It is difficult to make a noticeable their advertising, especially when it is placed on the page, full of advertisements of competitors. Therefore, if you consistently have touched all the traditional strategy of creating high-quality advertising, but did not get significant results ... Perhaps it is time to turn your advertising strategy on its head.

As a result, a sharp change of course is likely to get non-standard advertising, but do not panic. Note that we have in mind not the type of non-standard advertising, which will damage the image of the brand, and one that will help broaden the scope of ordinary advertising strategy and allow to stand out from the number of competitors.

Here's an example: analysis of two advertisements showed that the change in the word «Personalized» (personalized) to the word «You-nique» (unique - using a play on words, the Russian equivalent - something like "YOU-striking") raised the rating for the conversion each show 308 percent.

Remember, Google is usually very strict about grammar, punctuation errors and typos, but still allows for deviations from the norm to write some words. For example, Google do not mind, when used:

  • Widely used versions of incorrect spellings (eg, "brand" instead of "brand").
  • Commonly used abbreviations of words (such as "info" instead of "Information").
  • Frequently used informal words and phrases (such as "hello", "lu").
  • Incorrect spellings used as a pun or play on words (eg, "caress underwear conditioned" Weasel "").

Although you should bid for such keywords, we do not recommend too carried away.

Unobtrusive pun can promote much more effective, but that does not mean that you have to redraw the ad from top to bottom, deliberately making her wrong. The essence of the method is to get out of your comfort zone and look at their advertising under another, previously inaccessible corner.

Whether such an approach is applied to the formats of advertising? Certainly. Look at the two advertising messages advertising platform Plenty Of fish:

Advertising message, made in Paint, was three times more effective than high-quality, well-designed picture above.
The effectiveness of low quality ads RiqqleAlbert Einstein said: "Insanity - is repeating the same actions over and over again, and expect that they will give different results." Try to go beyond their usual box, and do not forget to carefully monitor their results to promptly remove those advertisements that do not benefit.


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