In this article you will find 10 of the most useful tools for those who want to make an informed choice about a particular strategy using the Internet. With these tools you will be well informed on the majority of the most talked about news in the network and will quickly achieve success, what do you would not put.
10 useful information tools
1. Google Trends. compare keywords and find out which ones are more productive, like changing the dynamics of search queries. To keep abreast of the latest seasonal trends success keyword.
2. Google Trends Hot Searches . Produces a list of the top 20 search queries per day. Click on any keyword in the top, and you'll see the search volume index for the last 24 hours, snippets on the masthead at the request of the keyword in the news and blogs. Allows you to understand the latest trends in search engine ranking and traffic.
3. Google Trends for Websites . Enter the URL-address of the site and find out what else to look for its network of users, and what sites they have visited. Allows you to assess the competitiveness of your site.
4. Google Insights for Search . Compare the search results on the location or time frames, identify the top places of which makes a request, search by type and category searches. Allows you to analyze market segment for top keywords.
5. Top Keywords Wordtracker . Produces a list of the 500 most frequency of keywords for the year +
2 days. Search volume for each keyword specified.
6. TweetStats . 2 displays a table with the leading trends Twitter: one for the top 10 in order for the day, and the other for the most top order at the moment. The tool enables to get acquainted with the most discussed topics of Twitter.
7. Trendsmap. Allows you to identify the most popular topics on Twitter locally. Using this information, you can enter into a dialogue with active Twitter users in your segment of the market and to work together to succeed.
8. Like Button. Demonstrate that now Internet users. Has filters popularity, news, entertainment, etc. In fact, this tool - this version TweetStats for Facebook.
9. YouTube Trends Dashboard . Displays the most viewed videos on YouTube. Contains filters location, age, popularity, views and preferences of different social groups. Helps to know that users like and with time to meet and needs with the help of your video content.
10. BuzzFeed . Looking for the content distributed on the network. Contains screening categories, Top 20 for the week Top 20 at the moment, etc. Helps to know what users are saying, what topics are the most popular, and what content you need to select for your site.
The above tools offer a full range of data on the preferences of Internet users. - Your task is to analyze the data and use them wisely, posting on its website the most successful content, or simply in order to keep abreast of all developments.
The above tools offer a full range of data on the preferences of Internet users. - Your task is to analyze the data and use them wisely, posting on its website the most successful content, or simply in order to keep abreast of all developments.
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